Bituminous Coating

Bituminous Coating is a two component / single component, high quality purified coulter and polyurethane polymer based ideal waterproofing compound. It stops leakages through porous substrates and lasts for longer period than plain bituminous compounds. It is easy to apply and economical than multilayer bituminous felts. After curing, it forms an impervious, tough, waterproof and weather durable membrane.


  • RCC Roofs, Sunken, Chhajas, Gutters
  • Retaining Walls & Basements
  • Roof Gardens, Bridges
  • Damp & Wet Rooms
  • Underground Structures
  • Foundations


Dries to a seamless, highly elastic and waterproof membrane.
Suitable for horizontal and vertical surfaces above and below ground.
Resistant to all dilute acids or alkali, fumes or fluid gases commonly used in the construction industry.
Bituminous is not damaged by roots and not attacked by rodents.

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